Monday, 17 December 2012

No bites after 20 minutes? No sign of fish? Move!

If you have been bait fishing in freshwater for 20 minutes and actively feeding the area with ground bait or berley and you haven't had a touch then I suggest you try another spot. I reckon that if you are going to catch fish then you will know it within 20 minutes. That's been my experience anyway, when you catch fish it's generally pretty soon after you first try a spot.

A little story.

I was fishing a suburban park called Edwards Park Lake just 5 minutes up the road. When I got there I saw a few blokes at the top end of the lake. As I got closer I couldn't believe it, one of them had 6 carp! I had hardly any time that evening but after 5 minutes of chucking corn and bread crumbs in the water I could see I was getting bites. Fast forward to yesterday. Same park, same tactics and no bites. I figured the fish were just not on the job. Near sunset I met one of the guys from the week before who pointed out that I was 20 meters too far away. There was a small weir, about a foot high, between me and the carp. If I had moved only 20 meters I would have seen some action.

The key in moving is not to waste time doing it. There's is no point wasting two hours moving to the next lake. This is something I used to do in my impatient youth for no result. Switching venues just wastes too much time. So get off your ass and move for more success.

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