Friday, 11 October 2013

Italian Fly Casting Leaders

I recently did a course in Italian Fly Casting. This is the first time I used a leader made by tying together bits of fishing line. The performance of it really blew me away, beautiful layouts with a 5 metre leader!

Long leaders also allow for more control of drag and presentation.

A simple leader recipe is:

Butt 160 - 180 cm of .50 diameter nylon. (25lb Maxima Chameleon)
80 - 90 cm of 0.40 dia nylon (15 lb Maxima Ultra Green is ok)
40 - 45 cm of 0.30 dia (10lb Maxima Ultra Green)
20 -25 cm of 0.20 dia (6lb Maxima Ultra Green)
A small perfection loop on end of leader then tie on the tippet

160-180 Tippet (4lb Maxima Ultra Green)

Total: 460cm - 520cm (15  - 17 ft)

A standard leader from the famous Jim Allen is the Ritz Perfect Precision Parabolic Leader

107cm x 0.45mm
76cm x 0.40mm
15cm x 0.35mm
18cm x 0.30mm
21cm x 0.26mm
60cm x 0.20mm

Total: 297cm (9.7ft or 7.8 feet less tippet)

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